Friday, November 29, 2019

3 ways to make the good parts of the holidays last all year

3 ways to make the good parts of the holidays last all year3 ways to make the good parts of the holidays last all yearTheholiday season is a special time of year. Many people are celebrating both religious and cultural holidays in a concentrated few weeks. These celebrations help promote the holiday spirit where we often honor some of our most sacred values. But what if you could make the good parts of the holidays last all year long?You canWhile there is no one way to celebrate the holiday season, here are some suggestions that overlap different traditions and cultures that you may want to incorporate in the coming year.Embrace Intentionality FocusOne of the biggest hallmarks of the holiday season is a sense of thoughtfulness and intentionally that doesnt always carry over into other areas of our lives throughout the year. This is, in large part, due to diminishing work schedules and responsibilities around the end of the year.The holiday season helps us slow down and move with int ention. You can focus mora on things you may not have been able to accomplish during your busy work week and day-to-day life. Also, you can be more intentional about thetimeyou spend with loved ones and how you best spend that time to make lasting memories.Embrace this type of focus and intentionality all year round by setting aside designated time for those things you often only do during the holiday season.For example, when was the last time the whole family had a meal together? What about playing some fun games? When was the last time you read a book for fun, or took time to learn something new?You dont have to wait until the slower holiday season to engage in what you often see as sporadic indulgences. By planning out your time, you can enjoy more of these these things year round.Quality TimeMore than anything, quality time is one of the biggest perks of the holiday season for many of us. Asworkandschoolresponsibilities dwindle, you are often allowed more time to spend with the people you care about and love the most. During the holidays you often find yourself sitting around for hours at a time, talking about new ideas or engaged in healthy debates about the latest nachrichtensendung items.This quality time often presents an opportunity to have more meaningful conversations about our lives, challenges, and struggles. We feel more space to talk about our mental health, challenges at work, or may even feel liberated enough tocome out as LGBTQ. These conversations, however, dont just have to happen during the holiday season.Maintainingrelationshipsalso means maintaining intimacy throughout the year. That means that when you create ongoing opportunities to connect (and not just play catch up), you can maintain a closeness with those you value most. Its often that sense of closeness, and knowing someone cares, that helps us feel less isolated and stressed when daily life becomes overwhelming.By continuously creating space for meaningful conversations throughou t the year, you feel more connected and remind those you care about most that youre also there whenever they need you.Gifts As Tokens of AffectionThe holiday season is the biggest shopping quarter of the year. One could argue that this is a function of a consumer culture, which makes us overspend and place priority on material items and products. Theres some truth to that. Marketing is big geschftsleben and many outlets online are designed to keep you hooked in so that you spend, spend, spend.But the holiday season serves as additional inspiration to give. You share gifts as tokens of affection for those you care about and love. But consider this, what if you saw something in a store in March and gifted it to your friend for no special reason? Imagine the surprised and warmfeelingsthat friend might feel. You could certainly do more of that year round, and without the obligation of a designated season. That might make your gesture feelmorespecial. .There are plenty of opportunities y ear-round that lead to gift giving. And gifts dont only have to come in the form of products. They can also be acts of service too.How about doing your friend a favor and picking up their dry cleaning as a nice gesture? What if you volunteered one day to dog sit so they could spend some time out practicing a bit of self-care? There are many examples of gift gifting that you can embrace throughout the year, so be creative. You dont have to rely on the holidays to share your love and appreciation for those around you.The holiday season is a special time of year and it often comes with a lot of perks. But, those benefits arent just relegated to the end of the year. With a little creativity you can make the holiday spirit last all year long.This article was originally published on Talkspace.

Monday, November 25, 2019

12 Little Work Wins to Celebrate - The Muse

12 Little Work Wins to Celebrate - The Muse12 Little Work Wins to CelebrateYou might be angling for a promotion this year. Or, awaiting news of a big, fat raise (champagnes on ice). Perhaps youre working toward an end-of-year bonus. Or, maybe youre really wishing the CEO will grant your request to attend that conference alongside her. These are all terrific endeavors, and you should work toward big goals, but its elend just the major work wins you should be pumped about- the many small milestones that occur in a given week or month are worth celebrating, too. These are also the things that can help lead to the bigger stuff. So, dont wait for your title to change or for your boss to kralle over a VIP account. Start recognizing the important work youre doing every day.Not sure where to start? Ahead, 12 career coaches on the little work wins thatre worth your attention. 1. Receiving PraiseWhen your client or colleague praises you for a job well done, its important to note. Save emails o r jot down positive feedback said aloud. Use your list to reflect on in the future when its time to ask for a raise, or in your next interview when youre asked about your strengths.Emily Liou2. Meeting 30-Day GoalsAt the beginning of each month or quarter, I like to suggest clients devise a mini-challenge for themselves. One that they can get enthusiastic about is a 30-day sprint to complete a stretch assignment, such as learning a new skill like coding, or growing their network by sending one cold email to a new contact. Time-bounding professional-development goals leverage the power of small wins by making them concrete and measurable, and they also make it natural to appreciate your progress and celebrate. Melody Wilding3. Speaking UpWhether its to make a decision, ask a question, or contribute your area of knowledge to a conversation, speaking up is a valuable opportunity to be heard, and, as such, it should be recognized.Avery leer4. Being Asked for AdviceDid one of your collea gues specifically reach out for your take on something? They value your opinion Thats a big deal, even though I get that it may not necessarily feel that way in the moment. Remind yourself that they chose you, which speaks volumes about how youre viewed and how your contributions are impactful.Kelly Poulson5. Getting GratitudeReceiving positive feedback from clients or co-workers is always something to celebrate. When you get a thank you email, star it or label it so you can come back to it in a low moment and remember why you do what you do, even if the major accomplishment is one youre still waiting for.Melody Godfred6. Demonstrating EQIts a win any time you find a creative solution instead of giving in to a conflict with a co-worker. Arguing, butting heads, struggling with who gets the final say- these practices are pointless, not to mention energy-sucking. Pat yourself on the back when you reach for emotional intelligence as a response.Alexandra Dickinson7. Hacking ProductivityG iven how easy it is to get distracted and lose focus, if you discover a new productivity technique (no matter how small or seemingly insignificant) that results in increased concentration and self-discipline, its worth recording as a small win.Yuri Kruman8. Being AssertiveAsserting yourself, especially when its not a muscle you normally flex, is absolutely a cause for celebration. I personally jot these moments into a journal when they happen so that I can see my progress, and, more often than not, I do it while treating myself to a cupcake. Forming new habits is hard enough- it makes sense to recognize achievements with a sweet, little reward. Erica Breuer9. Presenting to OthersPresenting to your team (even if its just a couple of people) can be nerve-wracking, especially if its your first time. But the feeling afterward is awesome Its like a giant weight lifted off your shoulders after all that planning, preparation, and, finally, execution.Ryan Kahn10. Tackling a Tough TaskCrossi ng off a challenging or unpleasant item on your to-do list feels pretty spectacular. I learned a long time ago that if you tackle your most dreaded tasks before anything else, youll sail through the rest of the day.Kristina Leonardi11. Feeling EnergizedMany report dreading going into work in the morning. All day they look forward to dashing out the door at 5 or 6 PM. Seriously, if this doesnt describe you, its cause to rejoice. You spend 40 or more hours a week at work- relish it if youre not miserable.Annie Nogg12. Helping OthersDid you support a colleague in getting her project off the ground? Did you provide some much-needed answers to a customer? What about contributing to the success of a larger project by giving your boss the requested data? When we step outside of ourselves and recognize how lending a hand can have a meaningful impact, we win. Loren MargolisWhat small milestones did you hit this week? Tweet me at stacespeaks- I want to celebrate with you Use the hashtag small wins

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Feds Are Taking Applications for Military-to-Defense Transitioners

Feds Are Taking Applications for Military-to-Defense TransitionersFeds Are Taking Applications for Military-to-Defense TransitionersFeds Are Taking Applications for Military-to-Defense TransitionersFeds Are Taking Applicationsfor Military-to-Defense TransitionersPosted byKathryn Troutman, President, www.resume-place.comApril 17, 2017When is a hiring freeze not a hiring freeze?When youre applying to one of the few federal departments such as Defense that President Trump wants to grow.Or when the president lifts the hiring freeze, as he did on April 12 almost grudgingly.Or when a department or agency continues to take applications and conduct interviews, anticipating the authority to make an actual job offer in the near future.So whats the bottom line for federal job seekers?For select groups of potential candidates such as veterans and servicemen and women preparing to separate from the military it means that now is the time to apply.Lets sample military-to-DoD vacancies recently p osted on DEMAND / SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYST, DLA, PhiladelphiaIts hard to imagine a more natural fit for someone with the requisite military experience than Supervisory Demand/Supply Chain Analyst with the civilian Defense Logistics Agency in Philadelphia. The position requires both military logistics skills and a understanding of business processes typically associated with experience in the private sector. The job pays $92,387 to $120,102 per year.HUMAN RESOURCE SPECIALIST Ft. Huachuca, AZNearly all organizations military or civilian require HR professionals, and the Defense Department will likely need more of them as it expands under a Republican president and congress. DoD agencies posted a vacancy for philanthropisch Resources Specialist for recruitment and placement in Fort Huachuca, Az., with a salary of $60,524 to $78,678. Former servicemen and women are eligible to to apply under the Veterans Recruitment Appointment or the Veterans Employment Opportuni ty Act, as are veterans with a service-connected disability of 30 percent or more.SUPERVISORY PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACT MANAGER ALVacancies for military-to-Defense transitioners can be found in every region of the country. A recent civilian posting sought a Supervisory Procurement Contract Manager for the Army Acquisition Support Center in Redstone Arsenal, Ala., at $103,842 to $158,793 per year. The successful candidate will direct, review and coordinate production of a system for the Missiles Space Lower Tier Project Office.PSYCHOLOGY PROGRAM MANAGER VAThe Veterans Health Administration, which has long struggled to fill thousands of vacancies, seeks a Psychology Program Manager / Assistant Chief Medical Executive for Research Development, in North Chicago, Ill. The job, which pays $111,801 to $145,342 per year, entails giving direct patient care, providing consults on challenging cases, and training staff.INVESTIGATOR FOR WHISTLBLOWER REPRISAL VAHeres an interesting civilian job for a military woman or man with the right credentials Investigator for Whistleblower Reprisal in the Office of Inspector General in Alexandria, Va., paying $94,796 to $123,234 annually. The person selected for this role will investigate complaints of reprisal for whistleblowing by military members, DoD civilian employees and contractors.GET HELP WITH YOUR FEDERAL RESUMETARGETED TOWARD ansicht TYPES OF POSITIONSGET A FEDERAL RESUME QUOTEThe Federal Resume Guidebook,6th Ed. is the Number 2 Best-selling resume book on Amazon and all book sellers today